As part of my section of the NCLTC layout at LEGOPalooza, I will have a small residential neighborhood.? I had built a couple houses to a standard of sorts a few years ago, the most notable a lime green house with pink windows and a white roof.? It is very unusual looking but I like it.? It was a joint project with my oldest daughter.
This year my daughter Renee built a house on top of one of the unused baseplate modules I had laying around for her entry in the NC State Fair.
This house is representative of what the rest of the modules look like – they all sit on 32×32 baseplates with a tiled sidewalk made from 2×2 white tiles.? Each module is raised to provide some elevation and they fit together to form a city block (much like my modular buildings do).? I have six modules – four corners and two middles – to make a 2×3 layout.
Renee has been my helper on this part of the project – she built this module with very little assistance from me and has helped with two more.? Last night we built another corner module, a dark blue house with a light grey roof.? After looking at it again this morning I think I will add a third level to it.? It needs something else too – maybe some medium blue.? I’ll post a picture once it is done.