Yesterday afternoon Renee and Isabelle helped me set up the “Window Into The Community”, aka WITC, display at the Raleigh LEGO Store at Crabtree Valley Mall.
I ended up going with a street scene featuring a Christmas parade. Lots of nice comments were made by other patrons while we were setting it up. If you are in the Raleigh area, check it out – it is in the back left corner of the store.
The cardboard framing which attaches to the plexiglass window really needs to be redesigned. It covers up too much, particularly along the bottom. The frame should utilize the space at the top of the windows which is least lifely to be part of the display. The bottom will almost always be part and it is a shame so much gets covered up.
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Amen, Mike.
It really does need to be re-designed. I know Dan’s display was seriously covered up by that annoying strip at the bottom.
Mine wasn’t affected all that much, I left it empty on purpose…
Nice WITC, it’s nice how you’ve worked some rail tunnels into the bottom.
You would think I would have remembered this having run into the first time I did the WITC display but I forgot about it. I think I’ll build an 48x64x8 brick high base to set my display on. I may even do that this morning and take it over there and set it up again. I have plenty of head room.