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Category Archives: Storage
Some of my remaining LEGO Trains
As part of my big purge I also decided to part with some of the LEGO Trains I have which are still in boxes, some of which have never been opened or still have their inner bags sealed. I don’t … Continue reading
And Off It Goes …
This afternoon I help a fellow BrickLink seller pack all of my LEGO into her trailer. I have some mixed emotions – LEGO was a significant component of my life for many years. My kids and I spent a lot … Continue reading
LEGO Garage Sale?
This past weekend I pushed just about everything I plan to sell out to the garage and invited over a few of my long time NCLUG friends so they could scavenge through it to see if there was anything they … Continue reading
Posted in NCLUG, Odd and Ends, Shopping, Sorting, Storage
Tagged For Sale, NCLUG, Shopping, Sorting
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My version of Pick-a-Brick
This afternoon I finished vacating the room where I have had my office and LEGO room for the past few years. We’re going to turn it into a guest room so I am moving to one of the bedrooms. This … Continue reading
Trying to make order out of chaos
I am trying to make order out of chaos. For many years I ran a very active BrickLink store. I would buy sets on sale and part them out, keeping a few parts but selling most of it. It was the … Continue reading