I am back from my business trip to Paris and picked up a large order of green bricks from ThorzLegoz which I need to complete the modular hills I had started last week.
I had built 3 straight modules before I left for Paris and they went very quickly. However, the corner module took far longer than I expected it to. I just couldn’t get it to look good and more importantly, allow the train to pass through. It either looked good and didn’t work, or looked so-so and worked correctly. So after building it three times I finally have something I am happy with. I think it will work out pretty well. I deviated quite a bit from the COLTC corner solution in my final design. The design does require some sort of an adapter to match the slope of the corner module to the slop of the straight module. I haven’t decided whether I will build a separate adapter module or simply some bricks which sit on top of a straight module.
Now just I need to build a couple of tunnel faces before Tuesday when the layout needs to be complete. I am also just about out of black 2×2 bricks so I may need to switch colors until another BrickLink order shows up.
Looks like my camera lens is dirty! 😉