Word came across the NCLUG mailing list yesterday about LEGOPalooza 2009. It will be held on January 31st and February 1st at the Morehead Planatarium in Chapel Hill. The nitty gritty details:
- LegoPalooza 2009 – Morehead Planetarium, Chapel Hill, NC
- Set up Friday, Jan 30, 12:30pm-9pm
- Saturday, Jan 31, 11am-4pm
- Sunday, Feb 1, 1pm-4pm
- Breakdown Sunday, Feb 1, 4:01pm
It has been a while since I participated in LEGOPalooza but I committed to Carin Proctor that I would help out this year. I will be the NCLTC representative and am probably going to bring some train stuff, my amusement park, and some Town things.