Ooooh – 10194 Emerald Night is real

Last week pictures were circulating of a new LEGO train set, a steam locomotive.  Lots of banter about whether it was real or fake, whether the wheels were new or from Big Ben Bricks.

The official word came out via a LUGNET post from Tony Sava.  The set is very much real and will be available shortly.  It will be shown for the first time at BrickFest PDX in late March.

I’ll certainly pick one of these up, it is too cool not to!  Plus, I can’t build a steam train (and I have tried a couple times) to save my life!  The item is already listed on LEGO S@H with a April 15th availability date.  You can add it to your wish list but can’t add it to your cart.


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5 Responses to Ooooh – 10194 Emerald Night is real

  1. Andy Gittings says:

    I have ordered mine today (28.3.09) I cant wait to get it in post. What a beauty.

  2. Atomic Uke says:

    Can the Emerald Night be made to run on 9 volt tracks?

  3. Mike Walsh says:

    When you say “run on the 9v tracks” do you mean with the classic 9v motor? I am not sure but I don’t think so. I just recieved one to build for the new LEGO Store opening in Raleigh next month but haven’t had a chance to build it yet. I believe it will only work (based on supplied instructions) with the new LEGO Power Functions motor. That said, a quick scan of the instructions a while ago it looked like it wouldn’t be too hard to modify the tender and power it with a classic 9v motor and leave the main engine unit as an unpowered train.

  4. Atomic Uke says:

    Thanks Mike for the above info.
    You are correct. My ponderment is whether I can power the Emerald Night with a classic 9v as that is the track I run and am not considering upgrading to Power Functions.

    It truly is a special addition to Lego.
    Savour your building and let me know if you think on closer inspection of finished train whether a 9v conversion is a goer.
    Love love.
    Atomic Uke.

  5. Peter says:

    Hey can the Emerald Night run on these train tracks?

    the passenger train can run on these tracks and the cargo train but can the emerald night run on these tracks???

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