
This past weekend NCLUG exhibited at LEGO Palooza. LEGO Palooza is held at the Morehead Planatarium in Chapel Hill. This event is a lot of fun and draws a big crowd – about 1300 over two days this year. This year was the third year, I participated the first year but was out of town last year. The first two years have been Space themed and not being a Space person, I didn?t have much to offer. I did build a couple Moonbase Modules the first year but that was about it. This year Carin Proctor coordinated the event and turned it into a general show. Carin asked me to set up a small Train layout and to bring my amusement park.

My amusement park has been in storage for a while, I haven?t had it out since the last GATS show we did. I also brought my church and a couple of houses. I couldn?t bring much as I had a car load of kids with me too! The event was well attended (see Joe Meno?s post show report on LUGNET) and was a lot of fun. My amusement park generated a lot of interest although the Ferris Wheel wasn?t working – the gearing came apart and I couldn?t figure out how it went back together! :-)

Amusement Park

Cyndi Bradham?s Castle layout was easily the most impressive thing at the show and she was featured in the Raleigh News and Observer too. All in all, a great time – I wish I could have spent more time at the show. After set up on Friday I could only be there on Sunday afternoon.

More photos of the event are available on BrickShelf.

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