This past weekend NCLUG exhibited at LEGO Palooza. LEGO Palooza is held at the Morehead Planatarium in Chapel Hill. This event is a lot of fun and draws a big crowd – about 1300 over two days this year. This year was the third year, I participated the first year but was out of town last year. The first two years have been Space themed and not being a Space person, I didn?t have much to offer. I did build a couple Moonbase Modules the first year but that was about it. This year Carin Proctor coordinated the event and turned it into a general show. Carin asked me to set up a small Train layout and to bring my amusement park.
My amusement park has been in storage for a while, I haven?t had it out since the last GATS show we did. I also brought my church and a couple of houses. I couldn?t bring much as I had a car load of kids with me too! The event was well attended (see Joe Meno?s post show report on LUGNET) and was a lot of fun. My amusement park generated a lot of interest although the Ferris Wheel wasn?t working – the gearing came apart and I couldn?t figure out how it went back together!
Cyndi Bradham?s Castle layout was easily the most impressive thing at the show and she was featured in the Raleigh News and Observer too. All in all, a great time – I wish I could have spent more time at the show. After set up on Friday I could only be there on Sunday afternoon.
More photos of the event are available on BrickShelf.