Category Archives: Events

Local Media Coverage from GATS 2003

2003 was a good GATS show for NCLTC. We won the grand prize (GATS would award 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prizes at each show) and we had quite a bit of media coverage. WRAL TV 5’s GATS Segment NBC17’s GATS … Continue reading

Posted in Caught My Eye, Events, Media Coverage, NCLTC, Trains | Leave a comment

Train POV Video from NCLTC GATS 2003

Recently I was looking for a picture from one of the early NCLTC train layouts and came across some classic NCLTC train layout video. Waaaaay back in 2003 when the North Carolina LEGO Train Club (NCLTC) was actively doing train … Continue reading

Posted in Caught My Eye, Events, NCLTC, Trains | Leave a comment

Amusement Park

Pictures from an Amusement Park I built for a mid-2000’s NCLTC train show but it also appeared at LEGO Palooza in Chapel Hill on several occasions.  Originally it was just two rides.  The amusement park sits on four 64×64 baseplates … Continue reading

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Old Photos and Events

I am doing some cleaning up of my “LEGO digital stuff” which is scattered across sites like BrickShelf and MOCPages and have decided to post them here on my site.  Many of the things I’ll be posting aren’t new but are … Continue reading

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Judging LEGO at 2012 NC State Fair

Yesterday Joe Meno and I judged the LEGO entries for the 2012 North Carolina State Fair. A few surprises this year and one story to share. Overall it seemed to me the number of entires was up this year. In … Continue reading

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