One of my modular buildings was primarily Maersk Blue. It was an early victim of disassembly. The way I had built the awning didn’t lend itself well to being a good neighbor to other buildings. I had used SNOT to face the awning with 2×4 Maersk Blue plates which was fine on the front but the studs on the sides of the awning would bump into whatever was next to it. I tried a couple of times to fix it but it never looked right so I took it apart one day and it has been sitting in a red bucket ever since. Tonight it got properly sorted and put away. Ever seen a big pile of Maersk Blue? ;-)
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I hate to see these go. Are you going to be selling the parts too?
I will indeed be selling most of my parts. Before I do though I need to make sure everything I want to put back together is complete. I don’t have much left to do. After that I have a couple of my modular buildings that I want to migrate over to the “Cafe Corner” standard. After that, it will be LEGO Yard Sale time!